Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lease Negotiations Workshop

Lease Negotiations Workshop
DELT Law in conjunction with Food & Beverage Association

Will be holding a Lease Negotiations workshop on Tuesday May 22, 2012---9:30 to 11am at F&BA office, 3110 Camino del Rio South, suite 315.F&BA Members are free, nonmembers $25 per person

Topics covered in the workshop:
  1. Strategies for new leases
  2. Taking over an exhisting lease
  3. Aquisition of ownership interest in leased building
  4. Market for base plus percentages
  5. Hidden fees and clauses
  6. Omitted tenant clauses
This informative workshop will discuss how using lease negociations can hewlp you maximize your benifits as a tenant, protect yourself from recessionary cycles, and to create a mutually benifical relationship with your landlord. At the end of the presentation general questions will be taken from those attending.

Seating is limited---please pre-register; Pre-register with Name, Business representing, Email and Phone to fbasd@foodnbeverage.org or call 619-228-2291

Lease questions should be directed to DELT Law---855-DELT-LAW, visit website at www.deltlaw.com or email at contact@deltlaw.com

1 comment:

  1. I know if the guys from Complete Supply Co. were in town, we'd be sure to go to this event. It sounds great!
